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Specialist care

Specialised care is a type of home support that caters to the needs of people who live with complex health conditions, and as a result require higher levels of  care to give them the full support they require to live a full and healthy life.


We have decades of experience supporting people with complex medical conditions and our carers regularly work with specialist medical equipment in order to support our service users. Due to the nature of one-to-one complex care, our carers go through training throughout their careers to ensure they are able to properly support our clients with medical conditions and medical equipment such as ventilators, mobility equipment, and feeding tubes. You can rely on our carer to assist you when you need it, in the comfort of your own home.


As our carers our trained to have extensive knowledge on advances in medical technology, equipment and of medical conditions, complex care at home is completely viable. It will aid your medical condition, when you are comfortable in your own home and surrounded by people who want the best for you. Adjustments may need to be made to your home for you to receive the very best care possible, but our complex care team will guide you through, and help you with this entire process. We will work with you and your family to assess what changes need to be made to your home to help you, and help to install all the medical equipment you need.


Our Specialised Services


Our trained care staff can respond to needs arising from many physical and mental conditions including:

- Diabetes
- Huntingdon’s disease
- Arthritis
- Dementia
- Acquired brain injury
- Parkinson’s disease
- Multiple sclerosis
- Motor Neurone disease
- Spinal injuries
- Stroke


You can contact us for more information about how we can help.

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